Tuesday 1 October 2013

Greedy Toad swallows a bat whole in rainforest [PHOTO]

toad bat
A greedy toad found deep in the Peruvian rainforest tried to swallow a hapless bat whole but only succeeded in making itself look like a bizarre mutant animal as it failed to eat its super-sized meal. A quick-witted ranger captured the comic scene, which saw both animals suffer some discomfort but survive

This is not a bizarre new mutant creature, but a giant toad after swallowing a bat WHOLE.

The greedy toad tried to swallow an entire bat in one go – but could not fit the animal in its mouth.

Park ranger Yufani Olaya spotted the strange behaviour in the Cerros de Amotape national park in Peru.

He said the cane toad was sitting on the ground with its mouth open, waiting for dinner to appear.

Experts believe bats fly close to the ground to catch insects and Mr Olaya said this unfortunate bat almost flew straight into the toad’s open mouth.

The amphibian clamped its powerful jaws around the furry critter, cramming it into its mouth.

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